How You Might Respond to Potential Cult Conversation Stoppers
These days, I rarely tell people I meet, acquaintance or colleagues about my shunning experience. Not that I would like to keep it a secret or even hide my past, but since I’ve been out in the world, I’ve had several negative experience. I’ve been hurt by well-meaning people that have invalidated my experience with a few ignorant words. Today, I really want to be my authentic self and wear my freedom story on my sleeve, but I dread hearing these comments again. I think the issue is that identifying as a “cult survivor,” means that we need to become a “cult educator.” Which can be a tall order when you’re in the process of recovery. Ideally, I would be able to tell people about myself without a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation on the BITE model. In an effort to help myself be prepared for this I invented Reasoning from the Scripture style responses to get out of talking with these ingorant or shitty people. You’re fine now, so like what’s the problem? Whew! I’m glad to know that ...